2020 Signed Legislation
Document | Description |
State Board of Education; determine eligibility criteria for foster care students to receive special education and related services; provisions | |
Wills, trusts, and administration of estates; Revised Probate Code of 1998; revise and update provisions | |
Butts County; joint county-municipal board of elections; prohibit persons employed by certain local governments from being eligible to serve on the board for a designated period of time following their government employment | |
Motor vehicles; standards for issuance of a Georgia certificate of title for certain motor vehicles; provide | |
Seed Development Commission; stagger terms of members | |
State Forestry Commission; create a standing timber notification website; require | |
Military; additional time period of service in the definition of "war veteran"; include | |
Crimes and offenses; offenses of improper sexual conduct by a foster parent in the first and second degrees; provide | |
Administrative Services, Department of; certain terms in particular types of state contracts shall be void and unenforceable and should not be included in such agreements; provide | |
Public utilities and public transportation; penalties for violations of pipeline safety standards and regulations prescribed and enforced by the Public Service Commission; provide | |
Criminal procedure; sentencing; change provisions | |
Taxes on Tobacco Products; issuance of special event tobacco permits; authorizing off-premise sales of certain tobacco products; provide | |
Employees' Retirement System of Georgia; certain public employers; make employer and employee contribution on behalf of retired members; require | |
Advertisement and Sale of Meat; representation of nonanimal products and non-slaughtered animal flesh as meat; render unlawful | |
Teachers Retirement System of Georgia; invest in alternative investments; permit | |
Courts and Revenue and Taxation; cost-of-living and general performance based increases; revise | |
Detainers; inmates charged with subsequent felony offenses under sentence and in custody; temporary custody provisions; revise | |
Abandoned Vessels; unattended vessels in public waters; remove certain redundant processes | |
Peace Officers; re-employment of retired peace officers and correctional officers during disasters and emergencies; provide | |
Local Fire Departments; procedures for organization, issuance and revocation of certificates of compliance; provide |