First Flock
Established in 2021, the Mansion grounds are home to the "First Flock." The flock is made up of 10 laying hens of multiple breeds that were chosen for their hardiness and egg color. This diverse group includes Black Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, and Easter Eggers. The fresh eggs laid by the flock are used in the Mansion kitchen. The First Flock provides an opportunity for Mansion visitors to learn about poultry, an industry which generates millions of dollars in economic impact each year in Georgia.
The chicken coop itself was designed by 4-H and FFA students from Warren County, who were selected as the winner out of six teams. Thanks to work by the Georgia Building Authority, Carroll Daniel Construction, and Rock Eagle 4-H Center, the winning design was brought to life. It includes nesting boxes and roosting spaces, as well as a fenced enclosure with plenty of space for the chickens to scratch, watering and feeding stations, and a dust bath area.