Atlanta, GA – As of 6 p.m., Friday, February 12, 664,966 seniors in Georgia had received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Georgia has now administered over 75 percent of total doses shipped to the state by the federal government.

"Since our fight with COVID-19 began, it has been clear the virus poses the biggest risk of death or serious illness to our seniors," said Governor Kemp. "We have structured our vaccine rollout around the science, prioritizing the most at risk - including those over 65. With well over half a million seniors having received their first vaccine dose, we are making significant headway toward ensuring our most vulnerable are protected. I look forward to Georgia receiving additional supply in the coming weeks, so we can expand our vaccine criteria and ensure more Georgians who want to be vaccinated can do so safely and efficiently."

Watch the most recent video update on COVID-19 vaccination in Georgia below:


Press Secretary Mallory Blount


Deputy Press Secretary Tate Mitchell