Atlanta, GA – Today, Governor Kemp’s Floor Leaders, Representatives Jodi Lott (R – Evans) and Dominic LaRiccia (R – Douglas), introduced pro-life legislation requiring the Georgia General Assembly to consider full protection of innocent life if Roe v. Wade is overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court or an amendment to the U.S. Constitution is passed to restore authority to states to outlaw abortion.

"Our state values life - from conception to natural death," said Governor Kemp. "This legislation reflects our calling to protect the unborn and our desire to ensure opportunity for all. In a time where lawmakers across the country justify late-term abortions and infanticide, we will champion life. I encourage all Georgians to stand with us as we protect the innocent and most vulnerable in our state."

The legislation will be assigned a bill number and published on the General Assembly's website tomorrow morning.

Contact Information:

Cody Hall, Press Secretary [email protected]